MLS Laser Therapy (Cold Laser)

Laser Therapy is one of the most effective therapies to aid the healing of soft tissue injuries.
At Exeter Chiropractor we use the latest in class IV Laser Therapy equipment to rapidly aid the healing of damage to soft tissues including spinal discs.
Laser Therapy is also extremely effective in treating soft tissue injuries, generally referred to as 'sports injuries'. Sports injuries can happen to anyone and generally involve damage to muscles, ligaments or tendons. The Laser Therapy system specifically targets the injured tissue to rapidly improve healing of the damaged structure.
Common 'sporting injuries' that we treat as part of our Sports Injuries Clinic include;
Shoulder pain/rotator cuff injury
Hip bursitis
Tennis elbow
Golfers elbow
Knee pain
Ankle injuries/sprain
Achilles tendonitis
Hamstring strain